Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 252 - Ups, Downs, Pacing and Doing

Central Park in NYC is absolutely beautiful this time of year. My hubby came with me today when I went into the city for my Lady Doc appointment. Afterward we took a walk over to the park and enjoyed a leisurely stroll. The sun was shining, the trees and flowers were in full bloom and we were among probably thousands of people sharing the experience. I felt energized and filled with life as we followed paths that led to ponds, playgrounds, horse-drawn carriages and lots of other beautiful park views. I loved the people-watching, especially the little kids who jumped around with excitement at being outside on one of the nicest days so far this year. My enjoyment was in stark contrast to the start of my day.
My morning was rough and it was one of those days I would have preferred to just plop on the couch until the fog lifted. The first few hours were a struggle but I had to keep pushing through to leave for my train at ten. I have to say I am getting a bit tired of this routine. I feel like my day begins three to four hours after I get out of bed. No matter what I do, the beginning of the day is miserable. And because my body feels like it is swimming through sludge, my mood usually matches. I didn't used to be this way. I remember my first teaching job there was a sixth grade teacher who told me to stop saying good morning to him because he didn't feel all peppy and chipper. I really couldn't understand not being in a great mood at the start of the day - after all it is a new day that we get to anticipate and watch unfold. Now, I get it . I really, really get it. Sometimes a person really does have to walk in an other's shoes to get the message.
I am happy for whatever part of my day that is good. Even on my worst days, I usually have at least a few hours that aren't a total loss. The ups and downs are the hardest part of this condition, and it goes without saying the downs are the hardest to cope with. This morning I was struggling with fatigue and a miserable migraine. but by mid-afternoon I was taking a walk in the park - go figure. After our walk I did feel tired so we hopped into a cab and then by the time we got to the train station I got my second wind. There was no cab at the station back at home so my hubby decided to walk home and bring the car back for me. I made it as far as the local library and waited for him there. Another down, and then back up again, but once we walked in the door I was pretty much done. I think I paced myself well today. I didn't give in to my bad morning and I got to have a sweet afternoon in the city. I felt like I was riding a series of waves, I didn't wipe out and I got to enjoy a beautiful spring day in the park!  

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