Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 130 - No More Running on Empty

I slept in the car on the way home last night. We were coming home from a family birthday celebration. I woke up about half-way through the two hour drive with my husband remarking that we were about to run out of gas. He was driving my car and we knew we had about 60 miles left in the tank, but we didn''t stop for gas on the way there. So here we were without a gas station in sight, with the needle buried on empty. We got to a station just in the nick of time and filled the tank. I said that I heard it wasn't good to let the tank get so far down to empty and he agreed. I think the same is true for me.
The most recent revision of my get-well plan is to always keep my own tank at least half full, I'm not going to run myself down to empty and need a couple of days to re-energize, even if it means one day on and one day off. I've been pretty good at keeping my activity level down to a pace I can manage, but I still feel the impact of a day when I spend a little too much time on my feet doing whatever I'm doing. We had two celebrations this weekend and I was wiped out today, so I spent the day resting instead of doing the things I might have wanted to do otherwise. I'm supposed to eat out tonight and I think I'll be ready for that, especially since it's with my hubby, daughter and son-in-law. They make me feel really good when we're all together.
Re-fueling goes beyond resting. It's about following through with the meds and supplements my Lady Doc prescribes. It's also about eating good food that isn't over-processed and out of a box, it's about getting in my fruits and veggies each day and keeping up with drinking enough water. It's also about keeping my emotions clear and addressing the good, the bad or the ugly as it comes up so I don't spend time stewing and burning up emotional energy. Re-fueling is about what goes into my head, too - like positive thoughts, prayers and affirmations as well as seeking out those things that make me feel happy and relaxed. Sometimes it's best not to drown myself in the news and instead let myself be entertained with something uplifting or that makes me laugh. I don't have a dial like in my car to tell me when my energy is running low, but I do know that it does me no good to run on empty.

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