Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 303 - Here's the Message - Let it Be

I walked a labyrinth today. There are many ways to walk a labyrinth, but today I chose to do a problem resolution . As a person enters the path, the first direction is to the left. The left side of the maze represents logic and problem solving.  So in problem resolution I was to hold a question in my mind and heart that I wished to resolve. As soon as I began my journey into the maze, I began to think about my health issues and how they relate to my work. I wondered what I should do to stay true to myself and responsible to my career. I have been struggling with next steps and since the work/health challenge was the first to pop into my head, I began my path through the maze with that particular issue in mind. As I walked the path I held my situation and the questions I had around it in my mind and heart. With each step I focused on bringing peace and clarity to my issues.

After focusing on my problem, the path led me effortlessly to the right side of the labyrinth which represents openness and creativity where I would simply let my higher self communicate a possible resolution. I trust this kind of process because I have found that when I can quiet the chattering voices in my head and let the quiet voice of intuition, my higher self, or God speak to me, I have more clarity and certainly more peace surrounding even the most difficult issues. After just a few steps, the Beatles song, Let it Be started playing in my head. Let it be, Let it be, Let it be, Let it be. There will be an answer, let it be. It made such perfect sense. Here I am struggling with an issue that it isn't even time to resolve. I am only a month into my medical leave of absence. I have no idea how I will be two months from now or if my circumstance will change in any meaningful way. So for now, I just need to let it be. Perfect.

There is a strategy that I have used over the years called "Holding the Question". I'm not sure where I picked it up - I didn't invent it. Holding the question means that the question itself has value and importance. Our culture seems to rush to an answer or a quick fix. This strategy focuses more on the question itself than the value of having an immediate answer or response. Holding the question can look different in different circumstances. At work, I call it just putting one foot in front of the next, doing what makes sense to do, until it makes sense to stop. That keeps me from rushing to a premature decision and it also lets me grow into a yes, if yes it what it turns out to be. If the answer is about not moving forward, that will become clear over time. Another way to hold the question is to decide not to decide. It may be that a clear decision needs to be made and I am just not ready to make it. It is okay to keep the question or issue in mind and not act, yet. Like maybe buying a car. Just because I have decided to buy a car I can hold that thought while I let in all kinds of car buying information until I am ready to act. My walk today gave me the answer to hold the question. I will not decide about my future, I will simply, for now, let it be.

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