Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 161 - My Funny Cast of Characters

I've had a couple of really good belly laughs this week. Today I was laughing so hard my eyes were tearing. I much prefer those tears to the ones that run down my cheeks in the wintry wind when my face feels like it's about to crack from the cold. Aside from the weather perspective, it was such fun to get the giggles with my hubby today over some silly exchange we had driving in the car. The other day I was reading a very funny little book to him titled, The Darwin Awards (great little stories about really, really dumb things people do when they really should know better) One story was about a guy trying to hold up a fast food store. The armed robber walked up to the counter and demanded money. The cashier said he couldn't open the cash drawer without an order. The bandit ordered onion rings. The cashier said they weren't available yet, they were still serving breakfast. The robber got all ticked off and walked out of the restaurant! The stories were about that kind of ridiculous, illogical behavior that you just can't even begin to explain. We read story after story and we were both just cracking up with laughter. What a joy!
It's fun to have something capture my fancy and set me off into the giggles. Laughter continues to be my favorite tool for healing and stress relief. I don't have to "remember" to take a dose of laughter, I don't need to make and keep an appointment, I don't have to spend a cent or even get dressed up to go out the door. It's right at my disposal - free, easy, and fun! There was an author who wrote about treating cancer patients with funny movies in addition to the many other therapies necessary to combat that terrible condition. But laughter was found to have a therapeutic effect and a library of funny movies was recommended for anyone battling a chronic illness. My guess is that the flood of positive and hormones that flow through the body when someone laughs displaces some of the nasty stress hormones floating around. When I am laughing I am energized, happy, engaged and fully alive. I breathe deeper and I feel rejuvenated.
I am blessed to have some very funny people in my life. One sends me funny emails, without a note or a greeting, but he knows they will make me laugh. another sends animal stuff that always makes me smile. I have friends that have a quick wit and others that know just when to add a funny line to a serious conversation. I have a friend that teases me, I grumble and growl, but it's damned funny and I'd miss it if he stopped. My kids make me laugh and the little children in my life give me endless moments of smiles, laughter and silly play. I don't know what I would ever do without the crazy cast of characters that bless my life with the lighter side of things. I take my pills and do what I'm "supposed" to do to get stronger. and I firmly believe that a daily dose of medicine will empower all the other potions and pills to do a better job of getting me well and strong. 

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