Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 338 - Yahoo! A Therapy Delivered on its Promise

A few weeks ago I had a couple of sessions of a therapy called Ortho-Bionomy. I wrote about the positive results and I am mentioning this again because I am still enjoying the benefits. There are so many mends and therapies I use that don't give me a clear answer as to whether or not they are working I sometimes just give up on them and move on to something else. This therapy worked! I had two problem areas addressed, each in a one hour session, The first issue was that my shoulders slouched forward and my posture reflected years of fatigue. The Ortho-Bionomy session corrected this and my posture is better than it has been in years and I feel less neck and back strain because I am in better alignment. A second problem was that my hip was not properly aligned and caused my left foot to splay out when I would lie down. That was corrected also and remains in alignment after all these weeks, with no additional effort on my part.
The fact that a therapy actually delivered on its promise is a very big deal to me. I have invested (make that wasted) quite a bit of money trying various things that I thought would restore my health or solve a particular problem, only to have the problem return and sometimes with a vengence. There are certainly strategies I have used that have been of great benefit and over the past months I have shared some of that information on thus blog. What I appreciate about Ortho-Bionomy is that it is a non-invasive strategy that is used for pain management and relief. It doesn't hurt, I can do it when it works for me and I can reap the benefits for a very long time. What's not to like? I have another appointment coming up next week and I will be interested to see what we will work on next.
One of the toughest things about dealing with a complex medical situation is that what works for one person may not work for another. Our systems are compromised in different ways so that may explain the inconsistencies. I get excited when I find something that really works for me and especially when it doesn't involve a lot of time, effort or expense. For the cost of a typical massage I can do body work that actually changes my body. There are an incredible number of options for improving health and vitality. certainly the basics are important - sleep, good nutrition and nutritional supplements, treating any underlying infections or medical issues as well as movement and some kind of exercise are all important to recovery. But sometimes our bodies need a bit of a jump start to get things moving in the right direction and I think I have found a therapy that can do just that.

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