Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 216 - Routine, Steady, Pretty Much Okay

Any day that fibro fades into the background is a good one. I like being on a plateau - everything all even and routine. I like when I forget that I have a neck or a head or feet. I like when they don't nag me and remind me with their aches and pains that they are attached. My energy was pretty steady today, not filled with highs and lows. I didn't feel like I could take on the world and that's okay - because I don't have to. I only need to make it through my day. The best days are the days that I have the energy to match what I want to do  and I feel like I actually accomplished something.
It's been a nice kind of day. I had a slow start, but nothing out of the ordinary. Work went well, even though I made a couple of dumb mistakes that were good for a laugh. Everyone at the office seemed to be in good spirits and I got to check a few big items off my to-do list. There are still a few more but I feel like the list is more manageable. I got home and was greeted by my pooch who is always good for a giggle or two. I rested on the couch reading and he was by my side, a sweet and steady companion.  All of a sudden I felt really tired so I snuck in a bit of a nap, with the cat snuggled on my lap, before I started dinner. I made a comfort food casserole and as I am writing I can smell it baking in the oven. I like days like this because any day I have the oomph to cook dinner has to be an okay day. 
Tonight I was reading some comments written by other fibro sufferers. They run the gambit from great day to terrible day. No pain to lots of pain. Mis-diagnosis to multiple diagnosis. No support to a wide network of caring friends and family. We are all over the place and no two days are the same for any of us. We celebrate the routine days because we know how far off center a day can go. It is important to me to appreciate my okay days and to really celebrate the good ones. I am a big fan of saying thank you. Gratitude and appreciation keep me aware of my blessings and I know that expressing thankfulness for the good in my life increases the good. What I focus on increases. So, I want to make sure to focus on the days that serve me well and to simply acknowledge what isn't so good and just move on.

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