Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 96 - Something Good is About to Happen!

What a day today has been. I started the day looking out the window at a gray, dreary morning. No sunshine. I flipped on the radio to get the weather report for the day. Instead of the weather I got a local shock-jock doing a rant and rave about an issue being bandied about in the news. I could agree with part of what he was spouting, but I felt that his argument was one-dimensional and didn't show much respect for other dimensions of the situation. So I decided to call in and speak my piece. As I hung on the phone, waiting for my call to be picked up, I felt my stomach do a flip or two. What was I getting myself into?
The producer answered the phone and I spoke with her about my point of view and she decided she would air my comments. Cool. So I got to say what I wanted to say and I felt good about the way it came out. But that's not what I liked best about the experience. I liked that I was able to engage this loud and boisterous radio personality and come away with my skin. He didn't yell at me, call me stupid or make fun of my point of view. I wondered why I didn't feel the sting of his typically scathing comments like most of his callers do. Was it because I started the conversation in a respectful way, acknowledging his right to have his point of view? Was it because he could see things my way, if even if in just a tiny little way, or was it that I was the last one to call in and time was up? Doesn't matter. I felt great after speaking my piece and ah, yes, finding my voice.
There is such power for me in living each day and staying in the moment. I just never know what direction my day will take and which way it will twist and turn. Sure, I can know what I have planned, but within that, there is infinite possibility for who knows what to happen? There is power in setting goals and feeling like I have some plan for where I'd like to be, but for me, it's those little surprises and opportunities that I snatch up in my hand that give my life flavor and excitement. Today I was on the radio - for a whole three minutes and it put some pep in my step. I know what's on my list for tomorrow, but I sure don't know what's going to happen. I think I just can't wait to wake up in the morning. Rain or shine, I'm going to be watching for what's about to happen. I bet it's going to be good!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!!! I am glad this was a good day. Hope there are many many more.
