Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 34 - Newsflash - No Silver Bullet Discovered. Drat.

Would YOU use a product that would help you lose weight, give you more energy? have friends tell you you're less irritable? and as an added bonus elevate your sense of happiness? Well, sign me up! How many times have I read an article or seen an advertisement or an online blurb with a product that promised to relieve my fibro and chronic fatigue? How many friends and loved ones have forwarded that stuff to me hoping to give me hope and maybe a chance at reclaiming my life. They are so sweet to care so deeply, but, again and again, these one-shot-wonder cures just set me up for more disappointment and frustration. So far, there has not been ONE way (at least for me) to solve this problem. It's gotten to the point where I probably wouldn't trust a "wonder drug" if it did come along. There have been so many broken promises.
For so long I have been searching for the right sleep strategy, the right pain med, the med that would clear my head and on and on. I've read everything I could get my hands on and I have visited many different physicians and clinicians. That long road has led me to my Lady Doc. I feel confident and in good hands because and she is not offering unreasonable promises for my recovery. It seems that she is considering my wellness from all angles, she is both optimistic and realistic and we are taking things one step at a time. I have stopped looking for silver bullets and the ONE magical cure that will change my life - I'm taking more of a shot-gun approach.

Wellness is complicated and for a very long time I've believed that my overall wellness is the balance I strike between my physical, emotional, mental and social being. My life experience, interpretation and perception of life events and the level of optimism I practice also impact my over-all well being. There isn't a single pill that can make me well or a single exercise or spiritual practice. But if I find the best of those, and integrate them into my life with a sense of awareness and purpose, I move toward being more well. When my system is out of whack (a highly medical term, I know) it is going to take a multi-pronged approach to get well again. So that's what I'm up to these days, adding prongs. Oh, and by the way, that product I mentioned in the first sentence was an ad for dog food. Go figure.

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