Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 273 - A Day of Fibro with an Allergy on Top

It's Thursday, my day to go to the doc and do my IV and shots. The day could not have been more gorgeous. The sun was shining, the temperature hovered just above seventy degrees and there was just the slightest breeze. Perfection. People on the streets seemed to be happier than usual and it was easy to make eye contact and elicit a brief smile from the people that passed by. But I wasn't in the mood to enjoy myself. I woke up tired with my allergies flaring. I've been taking my allergy meds regularly and using eye drops that reduce the annoying itching that goes along with spring and its pollen. Such fun.
Anyway, this morning I dragged myself into the bathroom and like a dutiful patient, took my meds. Except I took the wrong pill. I use a non-drowsy med in the morning and a antihistamine at night, but this morning I took the sleep inducing stuff. Within an hour I was a mess. Ugh. I felt like I was sloshing through muck to get through my day. Every time I sat, I slept - in the doctor's office, and on the train going back and forth. Every now and then I felt a small burst of energy, but it faded quickly. It is one of those days when I am really sick and tired of sick and tired.
I got myself in the door after my six-hour trek for my appointment and I could not wait for my head to hit the pillow. I feel into an allergy-med-fibro-fatigued-it's-been-a-long-day sleep. My sister called and I answered the phone and we chatted for just a few minutes - I needed sleep more than company. I woke up some time later to the phone ringing. A friend called and our conversation woke me up enough that I could function through dinner. I don't feel like writing, I feel like getting into my jammies and climbing into bed.. So that's what I am going to do. I am going to sleep off this head-achey tiredness that makes me feel like I weigh a ton. Tomorrow is another day - I've had enough of this one.

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