Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 268 - Celebration, Recognition and Thankfulness

I had a wonderful Saturday evening and I hardly felt like someone who has been struggling and sick. We went to an event to celebrate my hubby's life's work as a champion for special needs individuals. He was given special recognition because he has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for special needs kids in school and for adults in the community. I was so very proud of him and his accomplishments and of the kind-hearted, hard-working person he is. In addition to his recognition, a number of artists in the community were recognized for their contributions and for making the world a better place through their dedication to the arts. All in all, it was an uplifting event and it made me feel good about the things we value in our community.
Tending to the needs of those most vulnerable among us is important work and using art for expression and healing is of great value as well.There are times when I wonder where our values lie, as a culture. Are we doing the best for our kids, for those who are in need and those who need a helping hand? Are we sensitive to the needs of those around us and do we answer the call when our help is needed? It seems that people can be hard and cold and unresponsive, but then I have an evening like tonight when over 150 people gathered to celebrate service above self. It was heartening to hear stories and share the experiences of people who quietly, and behind the scenes spend their lives looking for ways to build a better world for all of us.  I am deeply appreciative.
My family remarked that I was high energy tonight and I agreed. I was excited, involved with, and energized by the people I was visiting with. They, with their very presence expressed their dedication to their work and to the purpose of uplifting others. There were young people with special needs who sang for us and there was barely a dry eye when they sang about challenge and making the climb through struggle and taking chances. They sang about being down and finding a way back up again, needing strength and pushing on because there is always going to be another mountain to climb. It's about the climb, the journey, the getting up when you've been knocked down and doing it all again. Those young people singing those words touched my heart deeply and I know that they are going to need all of the support the people in that room were ready to give. It was both humbling and inspiring. We've all got our mountains to climb, but tonight I put my own journey aside and celebrated the journey of others who are wonderful, dedicated and inspiring.

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