Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 58 - Bridging the Gap Between Can and Can't Do

I’m at the lake again and there has been a major change to our roadway. It used to be that our little causeway hugged low to the ground and if you wanted to canoe or kayak from one part of the lake to the other, you had to get out of your boat, carry it over the road and put it back in on the other side. I’ve only done that once or twice and that was plenty for me. So, I have stayed on this side of our little lake and have been fine with that. Things have changed! Our town bought a small bridge that raises just enough above the water so a person in a small boat can get through to the other side. Hurray and meet me on the other side! But not just yet.

I wasn’t in my canoe or kayak at all this past summer. It’s been a tough year and I just didn’t feel like I had the energy to commit to that kind of exercise. But as I’m looking at that bridge - it’s helping me to stay motivated to get stronger. Even though the bridge is raised - it doesn’t mean I won’t have to put effort and energy into taking advantage of it. But that’s what I’m doing - getting my energy up so I can take on that challenge. My goal? Next summer I am climbing into my kayak or canoe and I am paddling to the other side of the lake!

The bridge took a while to build and we have been waiting for a long time for the project to get started, let alone finished. It’s been a process rather than an event, and well worth the wait. It’s like my wellness plan. It sure took me a while to find something that I believe in, that I can stick to, and that I can watch for positive results. It is not without effort that I will re-build this body of mine and then be able to bridge the gap between what I can’t do now and what I’ll be able to accomplish in the future. I signed up for this and I am in it from beginning to end. Hand me my paddle.

1 comment:

  1. Patience and positive energy are the messages I receive from this post. Love it! Love you!
