Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 1 - Out of the Fog

Off to the doctor's office on Long Island and right on through my least favorite stretch of highway in the world - the Cross Bronx Expressway. I have to do this every time? Ugh. Met my Lady Doc - and she is fabulous - a real brainy-brain with a crisp and edgy humor that made me feel very comfortable. She seems both kind and no-nonsense and I like that. We got a lot done in the two hours I was at the office. Definitely worth the nearly 90 minute trip. I woke up feeling tired and not really wanting to drive into the city - when I was in the waiting room I was falling asleep and my first few minutes with her I couldn't get my thoughts straight or remember the details she was asking me about. Then of course I got teary when I talked about lost friendships and the changes in my life and my work. After a while I got really engaged with the questions she was asking and the connections I was making to the way I feel.

This condition is tough to live with and what's really tough is that I "clean up good". The doc even said it was harder for an attractive (thanks for the compliment) put-together woman to have fibro because it is so easily masked with some make-up and a confident presence. I told her that I felt guilty saying I wasn't doing well after someone went on and on about how great I'm looking and I MUST be doing better. When that happens I feel like their expectations don't match what I can deliver! The fact that my Lady Doc is smart, attractive energetic and an over-all dynamo didn't quite fit with the fact that SHE has fibro and is fighting the same battle I fight every day.

Lady Doc reminded me of myself in my thirties. I was full of excitement about life, my kids, my career and my future. But, I knew something was off - so many lost days when after teaching I couldn't get myself moving and needed a day literally on the couch to be ready for the next. I had wandering pains, migraines, digestive problems and a sense that other people could always get more done than I could. I tested positive for a form of Lupus - mixed connective tissue disease but no one ever treated it, just said I had it. So most of what went on, I blamed on that. I was diagnosed with fibro and chronic fatigue in 2002 and after seeing tons of different docs over the years, I feel like I am home. I am filled with so much optimism that I do believe that after this one year plan is through I will have my life back.

The beginning of the plan is to start me on mega-vitamins and supplements and do blood work for over 40 markers - everything from soup to nuts! I will get those results in early September. I will schedule the blood work and also get a bone density test done and forward all the results of tests I've had over the past year. This assessment is thorough! I am excited about this journey. I have a workbook to read and I started it in the car on my way to my 6th anniversary celebration with my hubby. This one year commitment is not for the meek of heart. It's a commitment to my recovery and reclamation of the life I used to live and love. I am ready and I will need the support of my friends and loved ones. Here I go.....


  1. You have the motivation, commitment, medical strategies, and support from those who love you to make this happen. I'm in your corner. Go for it, sis!
    Love you,

  2. I'm really excited for you Ma, and hope that this is the thing that will make the difference for you. We love you!

  3. I find it interesting that on the start your journey you have to face the Cross Bronx or as the truck drivers used to call it "hell's five miles". It frames this as an epic journey, an odyssey and I guess it is. I'm thinking if you can do the Cross Bronx you can go the whole way....and I'll be with you every mile.

  4. This sounds promising!
