Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 5 - All Kinds of Energy

There are days that I can be creative, even if I'm feeling slow and other days that I can walk the dog but have a hard time paying bills. There are some days that concentrating at work just leaves me drained all over with nothing left in me except a flop on the couch. It seems that I really do have different kinds of energy and the way I spend my energy either gives me more or takes some away.

People talk about stress management but they rarely talk about energy management. I once did some therapy that taught me "energy conservation" strategies around the house and for every day tasks. The theory was that all the little expenditures of energy throughout the day have an impact on your overall well-being. I liked that. But what it didn't include were strategies for conserving other kinds of energy - like emotional, cognitive, creative or social energy.

One of my big lessons this year will be to identify and then manage the kind of energy that fulfills,inspires and strengthens me and identify those that drain or deplete me. Taking care of ME has often been low on my list of priorities. I seem to have time and energy for others and then run out of steam when it comes to myself. Not any more! This year I will focus on what I need before I can consider what someone else wants from me. I won't do it in a selfish way, I will try to be sensitive to the fact that others have seen me respond in a certain way and that may be changing. So be it. I am no good to others if I'm no good to myself. This is a life-long lesson and one I work on a lot - so now it's time to get to it. There are 360 days left on this path and I will use them and my energy wisely!

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