Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 14 - Finding My Rhythm

My younger daughter once attended a school program where they didn't use the word schedule to describe the daily sequence of activities. Instead they called it the "rhythm of the day". I really like that because it seems to be a more gentle way to talk about the movement from one thing to the next. It's also a very organic kind of word - nature is filled with rhythms - like the ocean and its tides. In a single day we have different rhythms - in the morning there's a crisp rhythm that propels us into the day but in the evening it slows down as the sky darkens, the birds quiet and we ready ourselves for rest and renewal.

It's important that we find our pace and look for ways to establish a rhythm to our days. It may be in some small ways, like getting ready for getting OUT of bed the way we get ready to get INTO it! At night we have set rituals that signal our bodies that it's time to let go and fall into sleep. In the morning our bodies may need the same kind of pacing. If I jump up out of bed because the phone rings or the dog starts barking at someone near the door, my body is jarred into its awakening. On the other hand, if I give myself some time to wake up gently and slowly I feel better.

My practice these days involves leaving myself some time to wake up before my feet touch the floor in the morning. During that time I stretch my muscles to get the blood flowing, I set my intentions for the day and I count my blessings. I have also started to write each morning. During my writing time I reflect on the day before and think about something that helped me to feel better, something I learned, or something I need to pay attention to. Those insights will support my commitment to wellness and my new morning rhythm is helping my body to feel a bit more refreshed and energized. I am ready to face my day!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Diana -
    Love this post. Your reflections are both practical and inspirational, for those with fibro and everyone else!
    Love you,
