Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 191 - Fibro - Unpredictable and Full Of Surprises

I went shopping today! Shopping. I needed a few things for the upstairs bathroom and my daughter's room, so I headed out and had a very nice time poking around a home decor store and actually brought a few things home. I was out for a couple of hours and aside for a tiny bit of pain, felt really well. Why was today such a good day? Darned if I know. Yesterday I was exhausted and in pain. I could barely stay awake in the car after going out to lunch with my hubby. I didn't nap, but I still had a hard time falling asleep last night and didn't drift off until after one-thirty. Morning rolled around and I got up and out early for a Saturday morning. Based on the way things have gone in the past, I would have thought today was going to be a not-so-hot day. But, it turned out well. Fibro constantly surprises me.

Feeling great feels great. I like getting up in the morning with an open mind and waiting for the day to reveal itself to me. I approach every day as if it is going to be a good one. I get up, do my routine, and gently move into the morning. Some days I know immediately that it just isn't going to be a great day, but I always hold out hope that the day will turn around. Some days it does and some days it doesn't. I hang onto my optimism because it gives me the extra boost I may need to maximize my potential for feeling well. I think that it's about making the most of my day, whether it's a day to rest and restore or a day that has me out and about.

Spring is just around the corner and I am hopeful that the milder weather will give me another boost to help me turn the corner on my wellness plan. I have everything else in place and the warmer weather will do two things for me - the first is that a higher temperature is easier on my body and I have less pain and the extra daylight does wonders for me. The second is that I can be outside more and I am much more likely to get out and walk the dog or ride my bike if the weather is kind. I had a great day today and days like this make me feel excited and hopeful. Maybe fibro will surprise me again and make today the start of a string of great days.  

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