Ahhhh, another weekend has arrived and I am ready for it. It feels like the weeks just keep getting longer and longer. It might be because i'ts late March and this month is about the longest of the year. Or it might be because I'm still in my funk. I've been feeling low for a couple of weeks now and I think I am finally starting to feel my mood lift. Today I was excited because the shades for the sun porch were installed. Half the room had to be cleared so the nasty looking flea-market find table that was next to the couch got moved into the family room. I bought the table for it's unique shape and perfect size but the lime green color was three shades of ugly. It has been out in the sunroom next to the couch, screaming at me since the fall, waiting to be painted. I took one long look at it and decided that today was the day!
I bought the perfect color paint last September. It's easy for a little can of paint to go into hiding so it took me a few minutes to track it down in the garage. I actually knew where to find the sand paper and paint brushes, so before too long I was ready to get started. I felt such a sense of satisfaction getting that job completed. Each coat of paint brought the table closer and closer to perfect and I was having fun! I tend to be a sit-on-the-floor person but I have learned that my body doesn't enjoy that as much as I do. I've discovered that sitting on one of my Yoga blocks is both comfortable and practical - it keeps my back straight and I could still be flexible enough to twist myself around as I painted. Since I've been using a Yoga block when I sit on the floor I find my back hurts less and it is easier for me to get up without feeling stiffness and pain.
I love doing projects and it was great to finish my project today without feeling miserable at the end. What made today different is that I thought through a strategy for completing the job in a way that didn't stress my body and still be fun. I wanted to work on the table and not make it too much of a push. So I gathered my materials and put newspaper down on the floor and moved the table onto the paper. Then I had a cup of tea. Next, I got myself positioned on my Yoga block so that I could move the tabble around as I sanded all the nooks and crannies. After it was sanded, I took another break. When I felt ready I got up again and did the first coat of paint and with each finished coat, I rested while it dried, whether I felt tired or not. It was a good strategy. It took most of the afternoon and by the time I finished I was feeling really good about how the table turned out and also really good because my body didn't suffer. Taking on a job and completing it from start to finish feels wonderful. It may have taken me six months to get to it - but I did and that's what matters.
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