Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 210 - Gotta Face it - I Can't Do it All

A couple of months ago, my family helped me to come to the conclusion that I needed to ramp up the support I am getting around the house. Every day tasks take on a new significance because I so often deal with a serious level of fatigue. There were lots of things getting put on the back burner (and the kitchen counter) and then it all seemed to catch up with me and I felt stressed and frustrated. There are a few things that have made a lot of difference and I am feeling a bit better about what needs to be done around the house and how we get there. First and foremost, my hubby has stepped up big time and is now doing more cooking. He always said he was a good "heater-upper", but now he cooks healthy and tasty meals. He has taken on the grocery shopping as well, and even prefers doing it himself rather than relying on the local delivery service. He has pretty much has taken over the kitchen chores and has always been great about feeding the pets and shopping for their food, too.
If I'm home alone and having a really bad day, nothing, and I mean nothing gets done around the house. I don't cook, I don't straighten up and the mail starts to pile high. I don't make the bed, I don't empty the dishwasher and dishes start to pile up in the sink. It takes every bit of energy I have to feed myself, let alone feed and take care of our dog. My hubby does all the dog walking and trips to the local dog park. Whenever he has a business trip, a friend takes the dog so I don't have to worry about walking him, especially early in the day. He's a big dog and needs two vigorous walks each day so it takes a lot of pressure off of me. I can at least manage the cat. I am also blessed to have someone come for a couple of hours per week to do the heavy cleaning.
It's not just the really bad days that take their toll on the way the house looks and is organized. After work, I'm about finished. Fridays I am recovering from the work week and for whatever reason, weekends and Mondays aren't usually much better. Seems like work gets most of my good energy - not my house. I have been sticking with one major activity per day and that has helped me to keep my crashes from being too unmanageable, but it sure makes it tough to get things done. I have never been a perfectionist housekeeper, but I do like my home to feel comfortable, welcoming and pleasing to the eye. I don't mind doing laundry, preparing meals, cooking for company or decorating the house for each season as long as I have the energy and then a reserve left over. I just can't do it all. We've downsized and I've been forced to simplify and do things very differently than I used to. I can live with that, because it leaves me with the energy to do things that feel way more important.

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