I've been staring at the same pictures on the walls of my living room for a little too long. I have an idea in my mind of what I'd like to do, so I've been scouring catalogs and websites, but haven't found anything that strikes my fancy. So, today I decided to step out and visit one of my sure shot stores and found a couple of yummy things. I was out and back in less than two hours so I'm feeling okay. However, I had an interesting experience. The lady that waited on me was seventy-nine years old, full of vim and vigor and working full time as a shop keeper!
It was just a little disconcerting. She was taking about being on her feet all day, but loving what she was doing. She was also talking about how it was starting to become more difficult to do all of the traveling and shopping to keep her store stocked with new inventory. I had a though flash through my mind - she's seventy-nine and going strong. She was strong, able, capable, busy, working, traveling and shopping on a regular basis. Awesome. I want the same for me. I know it's not right to covet someone else's stamina - but there I was wishing I had the energy and abilities of a nearly eighty-year-old woman.
My acceptance of where I am with my health issues is a complicated thing. I think I'm there and then I'm not. I feel calm and centered, making the most of what I can do rather than focusing on what I can't - and then I am in the presence of an eighty-year old dynamo. I am happy and satisfied with my life - I do believe I am blessed and that my life is better than I ever could have imagined it to be. Except for that one little thing - fibro. It's like a fly at a picnic. Even though the weather is perfect, the food is great, the sun is shining and I'm with people I love - the darn fly takes center stage. The fly comes and goes - sometimes it's just a minor annoyance and other times it is so fully present that it's all out war with the fly swatter. The simple, everyday experiences of my life are great teachers. Today it was a lovely lady in a shop. I don't know what my lesson will be tomorrow, but I'm ready to learn.
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