It's a banner day. I'm six months into my one-year wellness plan and I'm still excited and seeing some progress. It is clear to me that in order to be well, I have to do, what I have to do - no short cuts, no waivering, just putting one foot in front of the next with faith, confidence and determination. I am paying attention to the many nuances of living a healthy lifestyle and I have come to accept this condition without succumbing to it. This is a true journey of body and soul and I have been blessed with a wonderful doctor, great friends and colleagues and of course, my loving and devoted family. I could not do this alone and I know, deep in my bones, that I don't have to. I am blessed.
So what has changed since I began my search for healing and wellness? I'm sleeping better - all through the night as a matter of fact, I still wake up slowly and mornings are not my best time, but I did notice that in the warmer weather I did better. I've lost my tummy weight which I attribute to the probiotics I take as part of my plan. It represents a solid two pound of weight I have not regained. My blood work is also revealing progress - better cortisol level, white blood count, improving thyroid levels and vitamin D as well. My pain is decreased and I have less stiffness in the morning when I get up. I have fewer major crash days - is that the warmer weather for the past three weeks or something more permanent? I don't know. My crashes aren't as deep and I don't feel as sick on a crash day.
What still needs to improve? My energy level is still compromised, but limiting my activity is helping. I'm pushing much less than I had been (but I'm still missing a fuller life). My thyroid levels still need to improve and with that, my energy will surely increase. I need to feel more rested when I wake up. Mornings are still a drag. My double vision still strikes when my eyes get the least bit fatigued. That's really frustrating. My migraines continue to strike at unexpected times and morning headaches are a particular problem. My brain fog still gets in the way of my thinking and my forgetfulness is just plain annoying. I have made numerous adjustments in the way I live my life and I am more healthy, overall, than I was six months ago. I have to believe that the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue I live with are on their way to being managed. With each gain, I reach a new normal. My life is different that it was, in some ways better and richer and in other ways, well, let's just say living with fibro is no picnic.
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