Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 186 - Love Heals

The first Valentine's Day I remember was in second grade. I recall that we all had a paper lunch bag taped to the front of our desk, decorated with hearts and waiting to be filled with little cards from our classmates. Even though we each gave a Valentine to every other student in the class, I still remember the feeling of excitement as I read each card in my bag. I remember how it felt to hold the stack of cards in my hands and to feel liked and accepted by the other kids in my class. I also remember going into town to pick out my box of cards at the local five and dime, and then addressing them to my friends. Even as a little kid, I could feel the power of even just a little bit of love.
I still enjoy Valentine's Day, and really, what could be sweeter? But I don't really need a date on the calendar to remind me how blessed I am to experience the love of my family and friends. And on the other side of that, I am blessed to have people in my life that I can shower with my love. Love just feels good, whether I'm giving it or on the receiving end. It can look like a glass of water in the middle of the night, a dance around the kitchen, time set aside to listen to a concern or a problem, or a party to celebrate a success or a milestone. The word love is a verb. It needs action to be expressed. 
So, today is all hearts and flowers, balloons, cards, and candy. Every place I've been today, I've seen evidence of the celebration, from the flowers from my hubby, to my daughter's windowsill with the cards all lined up in a row, to the treats on my desk at the office and the displays in every store. I like the reminder that love is important and I wish that the power of love would catch on in a more permanent way to heal disagreements, create connections, and promote understanding and compassion among us. And since I believe love heals, I know that I can have a rickety ole fibro body, but be totally whole, basking in the love I share with the dear ones in my life.

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