Late winter is a real tease. We are starting to get to that wonderful time of the year when the sun is heating up and the promise of putting winter behind is very real. It's not that it has been terribly warm or anything, but when I got into my car today, after it had been sitting in the sun, I was actually too warm with my coat on. What a heavenly feeling. It will be like that for the next couple of months - a nip in the air, but those first minutes in my car feeling all cozy and warm. Sometimes I just like to sit for a few minutes and soak up that warmth and let it go right to my bones. Yummy.
Spring is just about my favorite time of year - filled with promise, sweet smells, soft colors and the joy of putting winter behind me. I am so thankful that I was able to get out of the cold for a few weeks during the roughest time of the season. I shouldn't complain for one second about how long winter has been.I had a wonderful break from sleet, snow, ice and temperatures that do not support life, when I was in Florida. Three delightful and delicious weeks away from the pressures of living in a cold climate did me well and I do believe, prevented me from diving deeper into the abyss of fibro. I will find myself stronger and more energized once the good weather hits.
Tonight the weather report was calling for another couple inches of snow tonight, but I think that's changed. Thank goodness. Just hearing that we might have snow again puts me in a funk. Enough already! Where I live we've had snow well into April, although it's not all that common. I intend to squeeze every little hint of spring out of each day, whether it's a few minutes on the sun porch on a sunny day, starting to check out the spring fashions in my catalogs or online, or doing little bits around the house to get it ready for some spring cleaning. Whatever it is, I am looking forward to the season of growth and expansion with the hopes of feeling better and better in the fibro-friendly weather.
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