I have a room upstairs where I do all my personal stuff. Everything from work connected to the office, to paying bills, to reading, watching a little TV, and my hobbies. Sometimes all the different purposes and the stuff that goes along with each, turn the room into a mess. It looks like a tornado has hit it and I need to spend some time getting it back in order. I like those days when I can start the job, get things back where they belong and I get to feel a real sense of accomplishment. But there are times when I just can't get to it so I walk away and let it be. I don't like the way it looks, and I want it to be neat and pretty, but if I am sick or don't have the energy to deal with it, closing the door and walking away seems to be the best thing to do. But, it sits and waits for me. Closing the door only postpones my problem. Typically, running away from my problems has always turned into running away with my problems.
My typical style for addressing something that needs to be done, figured out or resolved is to deal with it straight on, directly and person-to-person. With hard work and a clear focus, I can usually figure out a way to manage a challenge, problem or difficulty and finish what needs to be finished. Sometimes it involves another person, and sometimes it's just some life situation that needs my attention. I prefer getting it done to rumming away or avoiding my issues. For nearly six months I have been dealing with my fibro and wherever I go - it goes with me. There is no escape. I can't close the door on it and deal with it later, I have to deal with it every minute of every day. Surprisingly, I have found one little part of running away that makes sense to me in managing my fibro.
For the past couple of weeks, I got out of the cold northeast weather. I can't tell you how much easier life feels without dealing with temperature extremes. Was I still sick? Well, yes, in some ways. Migraines, a couple of lost days, and the same old fibro-fog and the other pain and nonsense I usually deal with. What was different? Being away took away all of the everyday stress of running a house, tending to other's needs (including the pets) and using up a lot of energy trying to stay warm. It hasn't been super-warm where I've been - just nice - in the 60's and sunny most days. My body loves this easy weather. It's hard to head back to the cold after spending time feeling comfy and relaxed. But I live up north and where the winters are unkind. Running away was a great idea. Now the issue is to figure out for next year - do I do it again, and make running away part of the solution to this problem.
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