Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 155 - Extremes Set Me Back

This morning I woke up absolutely freezing. It was eleven degrees outside and only fifty-seven in the house! Fifty-seven!!! The furnace mal-functioned again and when I say it was cold - it was really cold. I woke up at about four thirty in the morning and I couldn't even clear my head enough to get up out of bed and do something about being cold. I kept trying to fall back to sleep and I could do that for a bit, but then I would wake up up shivering again. Finally I got up and figured out what was going on. Trust me, figuring out that the furnace wasn't working didn't make me any warmer.
I just hate to feel cold. Once I get cold it seems to take forever to warm up again. If I'm in my car driving and my hands get chilled it takes at least an hour or two before I lose that numb, frozen feeling. If I'm on the couch at the end of the day I need my snuggly slipper boots and a throw to wrap around me, even if I'm sitting right next to the fire. During the frigid days of winter, my face feels like a frozen slab of meat, my eyes tear and my toes feel like little breakfast sausages that were just popped out of the freezer. But even though I complain in the winter about the cold, I'm not much of a fan of the summer heat either.
I remember taking a "wellness" trip to Sedona, Arizona with my massage therapist. We went in August and the highest temperature was 113 degrees. It was HOT! When I told my friends back east they always said, but it's a dry heat, right? My response - an oven is dry heat too, but if I stick my head in there, it's still going to be darned HOT. While on my trip I drank gallons of water and stayed in at the peak of the heat each day. I felt exhausted whenever I ventured outside, but I wanted to take advantage of everything that region had to offer. Thanks goodness for air conditioning and the pool! Both kept me going. Extremes in weather are not my friend, and it's up to me to find strategies that help me to cope with the climate I'm in. It's just one more aspect of this annoying and ridiculous disorder. And it's only sixty-three days until spring!

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