Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 166 - Side Effects Need Management, Too

 One of the unfortunate truths in the practice of medicine is that our doctors don't know how each of us will react to a medication.Side effects are a nightmare and I thought I was doing really well avoiding side effects with my meds. My Lady Doc is still batting a thousand - I've had no problems with what she has prescribed, But another one of my doctors (who isn't nearly as good a listener) I fear has led me astray. I have been having a morning symptom that a doctor I consulted today, said may be neuropathy, a possible side effect of Lipitor. I have spoken with my cardiologist a number of times about what to watch out for with Lipitor, and he consistently reassured me, saying I was on such a low dose, that I wouldn't experience any problems. He even went on to say that he was on the same med and it was perfectly safe. Blah, blah, blah.
When will I ever learn not to trust these people who just brush me off? This is the same doctor who challenged my fibro treatment and told me directly that I was never going to get any better and I shouldn't get my hopes up. He was quick to criticize what he didn't understand about my plan, but slow to expose the real dangers of what he was prescribing. Once again I am annoyed and troubled by this breach of trust. I have decided to go off the Lipitor until I can speak with my neurologist. I'm not taking any chances with this. I've got enough to deal with and I don't need to abuse my body with a med that my system can't tolerate. If when I see my neurologist, this turns out to be a false alarm, I will retract these statements. But my symptoms are coming from something and I still need to get to the bottom of this.
Each day I read posts on a fibro support page about the meds that people are taking to make them feel better and to help them to function in their lives. Most of those medications are known to have difficult possible side effects and many others lose their effectiveness over time. It's a real balancing act to get it all right. I have been unable to tolerate the currently advertised fibro meds as well as a long list of others. I believe firmly in using natural supplements as much as possible and to use prescription medications only as a last resort. There are meds I just can't function without - for restless leg, migraines, hypo-thyroid, and low cortisol to mention a few. Most everything else is being treated with natural supplements and that works for me. Managing side effects seems to be part of the landscape of managing fibro. It's my job to stay aware of what's happening in my body, ask questions and in the end make medical decisions that are best for me.

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