Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 154 - Some Days it Feels Good to be Tired!

I love, love, love, a busy day at work. Today went by in a flash and it felt exhilarating and productive. I'm rarely bored (make that never bored) at work. Even if the task I'm working on isn't the most challenging or interesting, the people I work with make it a great work day. When problems come up we work together. We don't always agree and it doesn't damage our work relationship because our connection to one another isn't fragile. Jokes fly and there is always laughter. Lunch time is a time for us to catch up on life details and inevitably we get back to talking about the work that we're involved with. It's a super experience to be around smart and enthusiastic people who are excited about what they do. We energize each other.
I have become somewhat of an observer of my own life - I like to take a step back and see what I'm doing and how it's working for me. Sometimes I'm pleased with what I see unfolding and other times I can clearly see that a word spoken, or a choice made could have been better. I can sense when I am in over my head with commitments I've made or when I have done one too many things in a given period of time. I also know that when I am in certain situations my adrenaline starts pumping and I become fully engaged and I move full speed ahead, even if I should be pacing myself better. I see what I'm doing and I know that there are times I throw caution to the wind and just throw myself into what is in front of me.
When observe myself in the middle of a situation or experience that is going to tax my energy reserves I have to have a good reason for moving forward. When I knowingly and consciously plow through my limitations, it is because the experience gives me a sense of purpose, or strength, or connection. I have made plans to go somewhere special and nearly canceled them because I felt crummy, but then got a burst of energy and wound up having a great time. I've been to weddings where I could barely put myself together to get there, but had a great time once I was around my friends or relatives. I know the value of pacing myself and I know the downside of overdoing, but work days like today are worth every morsel of energy I expended. It felt wonderful to sit around the table and tussle through the plans, dreams, visions and challenges we face. Right now I am feeling beat and I don't really care if I'm tired tomorrow. Today was a fabulous day and I was part of the action.

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