Every once in a while I get myself into a little project. Last spring I traveled to Arizona for a vacation with my hubby. We saw people there from all over the United States so I thought I would keep a list of every state license plate I saw while we were there. That turned into a goal of seeing the plate of all fifty states within a year. As of today, I only need two more states - Nebraska and North Dakota, and I still have three months to go! It may seem silly, but I got a real kick out of seeing a South Dakota plate this afternoon. Forty-eight down, two to go. Road trips keep my attention a whole lot more than they used to.
The little things in life are what make my life rich. What seems inconsequential to another person, may be important to me. People say if you don't have your health you don't have anything. That's simply not true for me. My health is challenged and I have my share of bad days, but there is so much that's good, fun, wonderful, loving and connected about my life. Having a condition like fibro and fatigue doesn't take away my life, it just makes it different. I may not be able to enjoy all the things I used to, but I sure enjoy the many new, and easier-to-manage, things to do that I've found.
I plan activities that I am confident I can manage, keeping my lower energy level in mind. That way I don't feel disappointed if I can't keep up. I find ways to rest on an outing so I can still continue to participate with family or friends. I drive instead of walk, I park near the entrance of stores or restaurants and I go out earlier in the evening rather than later. I guess I can laughingly say that I'm living kind of like a senior citizen when I'm not even there yet. But, so be it. There will come a day when my old energy is back and I will get right back to all the things I used to enjoy. Until then I will appreciate the little things that amuse me. That way, I can spend a quiet afternoon or a whole day, resting and doing things that keep me occupied and interested.
I love that you appreciated seeing the SD license plate. It's the little things that keep life exciting! xoxo