A few weeks ago I was shopping in a store named after one of my favorite cities. I got into a conversation with the shop keeper about it and we found we had lots of little things in common. She was a very sweet person and I enjoyed our exchange. While we chatted, it was clear that she was really tired and was leaning her whole body against the wall as she sat next to her cash register. She mentioned that she was really tired.I asked if a cup of coffee might help, and would she like for me run over to a nearby shop to get her some. She declined. I offered again and we went back and forth a couple of times with the social niceties. She said,"Oh, no, I couldn't ask that of you." And I said, "Really, it's no problem." And I meant it. She took a deep breath and said, "Okay, will you watch the store while I go get myself a cup of coffee? I could use the break".
I was surprised, make that shocked, that she would leave me, a complete stranger, alone in her store while she went around the corner. But at the same time, I felt quite honored that she saw in me someone that she could trust. It was wonderful to have the kind of an experience with another person where there was an understanding between us that we were looking out for one another in that moment in time. She didn't ask my name, and I didn't get hers. She came back into the store, thanked me, sat back down in her spot and rang up my purchase. We said goodbye. I will probably remember that experience forever.
We live in a culture that seems to focus on our fears. Because of that, it sometimes feels like it's harder to trust people than it used to be. Over the past years I've needed a doc I could put my faith and trust in. I tend to be a trusting person. But lately, trusting doctors has been well, let's say, a challenge. Then I met my new Lady Doc. After just a few minutes with her I was like the shop keeper - ready to give over my trust. There is just something about her that makes me feel relaxed and confident that she is the right physician for me, at this point in time. The woman in the store trusted me with her stuff and that is very cool. As for my Lady Doc - I'm trusting her with my life.
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