I have so much in my life. So much to be thankful for, so much to figure out, so much to think and feel about, so much to do. I have so much to look forward to and so much to remember. I have so much hope and so much faith. I have so much love in my life, in my relationships and in my heart. I have so much more to experience and so much more work to do. I have so much gratitude and appreciation and so much to celebrate. I have so much joy and so much delight that there aren't enough hours in the day to live it all. I have so much. Each and every day I am thankful for the riches in my life - my family and friendships, meaningful work, the pleasures of nature and the prosperity I am blessed with.
All that I have, all that I am, and all that I am growing into, is my focus today. I can focus on these things or I can focus on lack. As I face another day of feeling rotten, not being able to see clearly and being in pain, I have two choices - focus on prosperity or focus on lack. I am so blessed to have a safe and comfortable place to rest on days that my body just won't get going. I have loved ones standing by and I know they will come if I call to them for their assistance or support. I have the means to explore options for increasing my well-being and I don't have to worry about money if I want or need to try something new to increase my comfort and wellness. I have been blessed with capabilities that allow me to work part-time and still feel like I am accomplishing something of value in my community. I am surrounded by possibilities and I continue to seek growth and new ways of being in my life.
It is my choice to remain positive and to recognize all that is well with me. I embrace all of who I am and in doing that, I can make peace with what is, as I search for what can be. Today may be a slow day, but it's still a day that I am here and fully alive. I can find ways to make this a day that is rich by focusing on what I CAN do instead of listing the things I can't. I can accept the limitations I'm feeling today without succumbing to them. I have so much to be grateful for and I still have much to give. I celebrate each and every day I have - to do what I can, with what I have, and let go of the rest.
It's no surprise to me that the original "lemons to lemonade" girl I knew in her thirties (and some of her forties) would go after this thing with gusto and wisdom. Give yourself a huge hug from me.