I like routine days. No ups or downs, just ordinary days that kind of meander with no real sense of purpose or big list of stuff to get done. It feels good to have the packing and unpacking for vacation behind me, the back porch project is just about finished, the laundry is done and the house is in pretty good shape. It's nice to have a weekend to look forward to with no serious commitments and the days will shape themselves with what looks good to me in the moment. It's especially nice to feel well enough to enjoy it. Today is a pretty good day!
On this kind of a day I plop down on the couch and read a couple of magazines or check out what's on TV. I usually wind up watching some kind of show about nature or cooking. I go through the mail and look through some catalogs and fold back the pages that have something that catches my eye. I put them in a stack on the coffee table and there they'll sit until they go into the recycle bin. I won't order the things I marked. I rarely do, but it's my way of window shopping. Sometimes, something I see will inspire me - a color, a style, or a texture, and I'll head upstairs to my work table and play around with my beads and start a project. Most of the time I don't finish anything in one sitting - I have to go back a few times to make sure it's just right. But this is the kind of day for starting and approaching - not necessarily finishing.
I spend some time with the dog, maybe give him a stroll around the block and then give the cat equal time. I might make a phone call or two and catch up with a friend or waste some time on my computer. Dinner is simple. I do all kinds of silly little things and look back at my day and wonder where the time went. But those kind of days help to re-charge my battery. They are a welcome change from the days when I feel scrambled and pressured because there is just too much on the to-do list or I am in the middle of a fibro crash day when nothing, and I mean nothing gets done. I am grateful for ordinary days, and appreciate that not every day has to be exciting or even "productive" the way we usually think of that word. Routine, run-of-the-mill ordinary days can be just perfect .
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