Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 104 - Fibro Won't Get Me Down

The next few days are going to be intense and busy and I really want to enjoy them. I woke up feeling crummy and in a bad mood. That just won't do! I may not be able to control the way my body feels at this moment, but I can certainly do something about my mood and attitude. My morning routine is geared toward creating a positive and upbeat mood for my day. I may not feel the greatest in the morning but I don't have to walk around under a cloud if I can help it. Most days I can create a feeling of more lightness and optimism and I can avoid snapping the head off the cat, the dog, or my hubby if I pay attention to how I start my day. Mornings are a challenge.
The day starts with a slow wake up and I allow myself some time for my body to wake up slowly before I get out of bed . I stretch and then take some quiet time to get myself centered and ready for whatever the day holds for me. Once I'm up, if I'm heading out, my usual routine is to play music from my high school days. Don't tell anyone, but as I'm getting ready I dance around in the bathroom. I know. It's dorky. But, in addition to getting my mood lifted, I'm also getting in a little exercise. I can tally up a good number of steps on my step counter on a good morning! Some mornings I can dance along to multiple songs. Some mornings I start dancin' and prancin' and my body says, "Whooooa, not today. Today you just get to listen and sing along." Some mornings I get all involved and find myself exercising for twenty minutes or more. On a good day, that's good. On a bad day, it puts me on the couch. Trouble is with this freaky fibro, I never know which is which. So, I start slow and I'm getting better at reading my body. And regardless of the steps I count, I feel happy and alive!
There aren't many days that fibro gets me down. I kind of roll with the punches and see this as something I have to work with, and around. Getting all hyped up about what I can't do wastes the time I could be focusing on what I can do. I choose the path of least resistance. If I have the energy to do a little job, that's what gets done and the bigger one waits for another day. My mornings aren't a barometer for the rest of the day. I can feel great getting ready for work and then crash at my desk or I can start slow and wind up cleaning closets later in the day. This really is a lesson in being in the moment and using the energy I have available to make choices that support my overall well-being.

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