Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 100 - Adventures of a Scattered Mind

I am sitting in an internet cafe trying really hard to write this blog. There is music playing in the background and it makes it almost impossible to think. I really don't know how much of a blog I can write today with the music creating interference in my head. Ah, it just went off for a second - but nope, it's back to stay. Now I'm singing the lyrics of my prom song and I don't want to be doing that. Geez, it's so easy to get distracted. I have a feeling  it's not all about the fibro either. I've always been a person that needed help staying on track....just the way you look tonight. No, wait, that's my prom lyric intruding again. OK, back to my thought....I have a hard time staying on track and it is a real source of frustration for me.

When I clean my house, it usually looks like a tornado hit it by the time I'm half way through. It's because I can't seem to stick with one thing at a time. I'll go to a top drawer to put something away and then I'll find something in there that doesn't belong. I take it out and set it on the counter until I figure out where to put it so I'll know where it is. Then I go back to the task I was doing and I come across something I've been looking for and so I sit for a few minutes checking it out. Then of course it brings something else to mind so I have to go and check that out, too. I run up the stairs with one thought in mind but I am greeted by a stack of mail I left next to my desk. Better get to that. I sort things through and separate out the bills. Then I have a stack to file, one to get to later and another of stuff that interests me but I don't have time for now. I put the bill basket next to my computer and decide to pay the bills online. I open up my computer and figure I'll give my email a quick glance. I do, and there are a couple of messages I need to return, an interesting link to check out and then a really quick game of solitaire, just for fun. Well now I'm thirsty so I go downstairs and make a cup of tea. While the microwave is heating the water, the phone rings. I have to deal with something at the nursing home so I call my sister and we figure it out. Now I'm tired so I decide to plop on the couch for a few minutes. It feels good to be under the cozy throw and I drift off into a peaceful nap. 

When I wake up I realize I haven't filled my prescription at the drug store so I hop in the car to go and drop it off. The drug store is more like the old five and dimes than it is a place to get meds. I check out the holiday decorations, pick up some things for my mother and decide to check out the pet section to see if Rusty might need something. By now I'm tired so I pay for my loot and head home. While I'm unpacking my bags I see the stuff on the counter that I had left earlier in the day. My cold tea is still in the microwave and the bills weren't paid. I did get to the drug store, but I forgot to drop off my prescription to be filled. Aargh. It's just maddening. Some days I head out with a list I forget to check, or my list sits on the front seat of the car while I try to go it alone. I feel badly for my hubby because of all the things I forget to do. They all get done eventually, but it seems almost impossible and lasso in this brain of mine that seems to like to go off in lots of different directions.

My soup is now cold and so is my coffee. There is still music that I don't really like playing in the backgorund and it's too loud and it's annoying. I just want to get out of here. i think I'll take some quiet time and give myself a rest. Still seems that I am better at organizing my thoughts than I am my life, but every day is step toward doing it better.

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