Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 66 - Mom Energy vs All the Other kinds

Somehow, when my daughter with special needs comes home for a couple of days, I always seem to find the energy to be with her. I love that we have a great relationship - she knows I adore her and I can always make her laugh. The two things we seem to enjoy sharing most are upbeat music and a good chuckle. We like to be with each other and she loves being home with me, the hubby and of course, our dog! She seems to delight in everything happening around her and I love to do things to make her happy. There is a bond between us that has grown from silly things like, belting out a tune together, dancing in the kitchen or sharing a laugh that takes her breath away. On one hand I am amazed that I have the energy for her that I do when she comes home for a visit. But on the other hand, it is no surprise to me that as a Mom, I can often do things for my kids that I just can't seem to do for myself. I believe that as mothers we go to the ends of the earth to make sure our kids are happy and well-taken care of, no matter how we feel, because we want to be there for them and we know they rely on us. 
Yesterday was a chaos day. The painters were here to do windows in three different rooms, as well as staging everything in the sunroom while my daughter was here. It was supposed to be done last week, but you know how those things can go. We spent some time with my other daughter and her little ones and that got us out of the house. After a fun dinner together, I had to shop for some fall clothes for her to take back with us today. It felt like the entire day was a whirlwind. I fell asleep on the couch last night and overslept his morning, so I woke up with my "to do" list pounding in my brain. I got a lot accomplished with her and for her, but there is always so much more to do. When my daughter come home for a visit it's pretty intense. She needs help with most of what she wants to do and I stop counting the times I hear my name called for one thing or another. But, I wouldn't trade it for anything!
I wonder what it is that allows us Moms to rally when something essential is at stake. Certainly there have been times when things didn't work out so well on that front, but I usually can pull from my reserve and make sure my daughter has a good visit. On my way to go get her, I had a bit of a crash that was fixed with a roadside nap, but once she got in the car to come back home with me, all systems were go! I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow but I plan to ride this high that I'm feeling today. I know I need to continue to work on my energy conservation and prevent days like the ones this weekend that really do put me on overload. But like I said, that Momma instinct just kicks in and I am ready, willing, and able to be available to my kids. So for today I'm feeling good - I'm happy and satisfied. Tomorrow will bring whatever it brings and that's okay because I had a very good today! 

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