Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 323 - My Fibro Days - Fickle as the Weather

Today's weather reminds me of a typical fibro day. When I woke up it was pouring rain and I thought the day was lost because the storm was so strong and more storms were predicted for the day. Of course we changed our plans and decided to go for a drive because with the rain and clouds it wouldn't be much of an outside day. Well, after the kids left, we got ourselves cleaned up and headed out for a long drive. We knew where we intended to go but just one wrong turn put us in a great big circle and we wound up exactly where we weren't heading. After a change in plans we set a new destination and headed in another direction.

My fibro days can be pretty much like that. I start slow and on a really bad morning I figure the day is a washout. That's just what I thought about today's weather. If there is a morning that I can finally get going and I feel like I have some energy, I will set my plans for the day. On many days though, I have to adjust my plans again, because the energy I thought I had wasn't there after all. But then there are days that turn out like today – after a slow start the weather cleared, the sun came out and it was perfect. I can have a really bad start to my day and the day can wind up being perfectly wonderful with me feeling just fine. I never know.

The end of today was better than the beginning. I am grateful for the amount of energy I had to make an okay day into a great one. As I look out into the sky I see an amazingly beautiful sunset. The day has finished with a display worthy of my taking notice. I am doing the same for my fibro day. My fibro really is just like the weather. If I don't like the way I'm feeling now, who knows, in a little while I could be feeling much better. But sadly, the reverse is true as well. Just like a sunny day can have an unexpected thunder storm roll in, my good day can go sour without much warning. I have learned to take it all in stride. It all just comes and goes and my responsibility is to be able to adapt to the changes.

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