Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 309 - Finding My Rhythm, Back in My Zone

One of the things that is difficult about travel is getting back into a rhythm once I am home again. Today was all twisted around and I think I am still operating on a three hour time change. My body doesn't quite know when to eat or sleep and it may take a day or two to get back to my routine. Routines are helpful because my day becomes filled with cues that it's time to take care of myself. I know that I have to take meds before and after breakfast, but when I sleep right through lunch, I'm not quite sure what to do. Dinner is at seven but it's only three o'clock, vacation time. I go to bed at eleven, but it's only eight and I'm not sleepy. In addition to adjusting to the time changes, my body has to deal with weather changes, too.
My body never really adjusted to the very hot weather in Arizona - it was extremely HOT! My skin was dry, I felt sluggish when I was outside and every day I battled migraines. I kept drinking, staying in the shade and taking my headache meds, but I had to really concentrate to stay on top of what I needed to do to take really good care of myself in a new environment. One of the things that is interesting about being in a hot climate without much humidity is that you don't feel yourself sweating because the sweat evaporates off your body so quickly. But the body continues to lose hydration at a rapid rate and it is easier to suffer heat exhaustion if that water is not replaced. I drank a lot of water, but the temperatures over 100 degrees were brutal. I took frequent rest periods and did nothing that was physically challenging.
Now that I am home in a climate that is familiar I feel more comfortable. My skin isn't so dry and I don't feel like I am living in a furnace. I spent the late afternoon and evening outside and I was relaxed and I could feel my energy beginning to return. I slept late today and my hubby went ahead without me and I joined him a couple of hours later at a family gathering. I am still not sure what time I'll fall asleep tonight - it's getting close to bedtime here, but it's still only seven o'clock back in Arizona. So, I will split the time difference and head off to bed at a reasonable hour and slowly bring myself back into this time zone. I am not the only one who has to make these adjustments, but I know that if I don't pay close attention, this transition will just take longer than it needs to.

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