Today is the last day of the year and I am fine with letting this past year go. It wasn't a great year or a terrible year, it felt more sluggish and stuck than anything else. It seemed harder to move forward this year and every success was met with some kind of resistance that made it harder to achieve than it may otherwise have been. But there were successes and I am grateful for each of them and I am appreciative of every good thing that has happened for me and to me this past year. There were also some troubles - not awful, wring my hands and wail and moan kind of trouble, just annoying, bothersome and silly things that slowed me down.
Now I am facing a new beginning, even if it is just symbolic. Tomorrow will feel just about the same as today does, but with a new number slapped on the end of it. A new beginning is what I make of it - it's an opportunity if I want it to be. Or, it can just be another day I chalk off the calendar. I'm not making any resolutions this year because I am smack dab in the middle of the biggest re-solution I have taken on in a long time. My health plan takes top priority among anything else I might resolve. And that's what I need to do - I need to re-solve my health issues because my first attempts at solving them didn't quite work out the way I had planned.
The years seem to pass much more quickly than they used to and I wish time would slow down just a bit. It feels like we just celebrated the new millenium and here we are at the end of its first decade. It all passes in the blink of an eye. The greatest gift I can give myself and others in the New Year is to be fully present in each moment, to reduce distractions and to focus on what's most important to me. I can make the most of each day by honoring my relationships and to feel the presence of those around me in more meaningful ways. Time is going to continue to march on by and I can't do a thing about that. What I can do is to spend my time in ways that are loving and caring, meaningful and productive, Fibro can't take any of that from me so I think that this is going to be a very good year - in fact, I plan on it!
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