Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 11 - Make Keeping it Simple, Simple

I opened my email and found a title, "21 Steps to Stop Procrastination" in the inbox. Twenty-one steps? Whoa, now - that's way too many! Anything that takes me 21 steps to complete is just not going to happen. My motto these days is, keep it simple. I notice that on some days a task that requires a lot of detail thinking gets pushed to the back burner. There are times when I can zip right on through that kind of task, and other days I stare at the task or project and I just don't have the energy to get it started, let alone completed. That's my kind of procrastination.

Keeping it simple isn't all that simple. In some areas of my life I've got it down, but in others, I'm still in the beginning stages. I have my local grocery store deliver big orders when we need them, I have bills set up to be paid online, I use my local stores instead of struggling through a trip to the mall, and I shop through catalogs as much as I can. Those things conserve my energy and keep life a bit more manageable.

One area that still needs work is my ability to say, "No". Geez, that's a hard one for me because I love to be helpful and it really is part of my identity to be a supportive person. But, my "yesses" can really pile up. Then, before you know it, I'm into energy drain and those tasks that would be easily done when I am energized, get neglected. Part of keeping things simple is knowing my strengths and limitations. But even more so, I need to prioritize how I want to spend my energy on what must be accomplished. Part of keeping things simple, for me, is to not let things get complicated - deal with stuff before it bumps up against a deadline and I feel pressured, ask for help when I need it, say no when I have to and an enthusastic YES when it makes sense to make that commitment. Simple gets things done without stress or drama. I don't need 21 steps to figure that one out.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping things simple is a challenge for me too. Work too often takes a big hunk of my time, because there are so many wonderful and exciting projects out there. Moving to New Orleans was a chance for me to wipe the slate clean, and take on only that which is both meaningful and fun ... and sometimes fun is the only meaning necessary! Here's to keeping things simple - particularly when it comes to Ma and Arth.
